“When you are on the frontlines, you are right in the middle of the action. There is nothing more energizing than being on the ground on game day and having our sportsbook full of patrons.”
Robert Mcewen Manager, Sportsbook
I started with BetMGM as an operations manager at our DC sportsbook when we were a brand-new retail operation. I quickly learned that an operations manager does a lot more than just stand behind a counter and talk sports odds with patrons. I hold a multi-faceted role as a banker, a trader, a customer service representative, and more. I fix ATMs, I deal with maintenance staff, I talk sports with patrons and when I come across an area that I am not familiar with, I learn it, while also relying on the support of our incredible team. As you can imagine, in this role it is important to develop skillsets and expertise across all the different areas that go into running a sports betting operation.
I love collaborating with people and dealing with patrons, which is my strong suit. When BetMGM opened a sportsbook in Arizona, I was happy to share my learnings to make their early days just a little bit easier. My experience in DC and supporting the Arizona opening all helped develop my leadership and team-building capabilities, which led me to my current role in Cincinnati.
When you are on the frontlines, you’re right in the middle of the action. There is nothing more energizing than being on the floor on game day and having our sportsbook full of patrons. People want to talk about sports, watch sports, and get your advice on sports. Patrons walk through the door looking to make money, root for their teams and have a great time. The energy is absolutely amazing!
One of my mantras is to treat employees and guests the same way you would want to be treated. Without the amazing employees and our patrons, we would have nothing. I try to be helpful and supportive to our employees, and that’s just part of our culture at BetMGM – we are truly a team. We always have each other’s backs. If you are ever in a tough situation, you’re just one ping away from getting the support and answers you need. In fact, we enjoy each other’s company so much that we have been known to attend sporting events, the local cherry blossom festivals, and parades together outside of work!
With our patrons, I focus on delivering an unmatched level of customer service, which I believe is our biggest competitive advantage. When tricky situations arise, I put myself in the patron’s shoes. Doing this makes it easier to relate and helps to make tricky situations a lot easier to resolve.
I am so happy to be at BetMGM because the culture is just phenomenal – to say it is a great company to work for would be the mother of all understatements! This is a job, but it does not feel like work. I love what I do, and it’s impossible to not want to come here each and every day!